Monday, July 25, 2011

Carrot Apple "Soup" for Baby

Sometimes there's nothing better than a really good soup. One of my food goals for this year is to learn how to make a really yummy soup. Soups for grown-ups can be pretty tricky and have lots of different ingredients, so I thought I would start off slow with a simple soup for baby. This recipe is for babies that are 8+ months.

3 oz cooked carrot puree (steam then puree with filtered water)
3 oz cooked apple puree (steam then puree)
1-2 pinches sage
1-2 pinches nutmeg

The consistency of the purees for this should be a little thicker than soup. Mix purees and spices together and warm in a small skillet on the stovetop, or in the microwave for 1 minute. When serving warm food to baby always test the temperature on your bottom lip before giving it to baby. If it feels hot to you it's too hot for baby. Wait a minute, or blow on it to cool before serving.


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