Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pesto Turkey for Baby

I LOVE pesto, and have been trying to come up with a pesto dish that's suitable for my little guy (ie. No pine nuts, salt, pepper, etc...). Finally it came to me! I substituted garbanzo beans for pine nuts. Garbanzos have almost the same texture as pine nuts when pureed, and have the same earthy, nutty flavor. I was so excited to finally try this out on my little guy tonight, and I have to say, he loved it! This recipe is for babies 8+ months.

Pesto Sauce

Pesto "Sauce"
2 oz pureed garbanzo beans
1 teaspoon chopped basil leaves
2 pinches Parmesan cheese

Mix together and set aside.

2 oz pureed cooked ground turkey
1 oz cooked pureed broccoli

Mix turkey and broccoli together. Add pesto sauce stir until blended well. Enjoy!

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