Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pumpkin Apple Puree

The unseasonably cold weather we've been having in the bay area this week has me thinking of autumn, and about yummy pumpkin. Pumpkin is a great food for your little one. It's super nutritious and delicious. You can introduce pumpkin to your little one around 6 months. It's a great first food.

2 oz pumpkin puree (When they are in season I buy fresh, bake and then scoop out the flesh. The rest of the year I buy organic canned pumpkin puree. It is totally safe to use canned pumpkin puree, just make sure you buy 100% pumpkin and NOT pumpkin pie mix.)
2 oz cooked apple puree (I peel, steam and then puree, however when I have time I slice up and roast in the oven with cinnamon and then puree)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (if you roast apples with cinnamon you don't need to add this)

mix together, serve, and enjoy!

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