Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Ganoush

I introduced eggplant  last week, and came up with this recipe the other night. It's not quite baba ganoush as it includes more than eggplant, but it's super nutritious and delicious for your little one. A note about eggplant- DO NOT eat raw eggplant, or undercook eggplant. I peeled and cut up the eggplant and then microwaved it in a pyrex glass bowl with a few tablespoons of filtered water for 5-6 minutes and then pureed. This recipe is for babies 9+ months.

Here's what you'll need:
1 oz cooked pureed eggplant
1 oz red lentil puree
1 oz garbanzo bean puree
1 oz cooked pea puree (I steam then puree with filtered water)
1 pinch oregano
1 pinch parsley

Mix ingredients together, serve and enjoy!

*Remember use 2-3 cups of water for every one cup of lentils. Put in a pot and gently boil for 15-20 minutes, then puree.*

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