Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pumpkin Banana Yogurt for Baby

Good Morning! We are on vacation, so I haven't had time to post, but I thought I would share this yummy yogurt mixture. I've given my little guy pumpkin banana puree before, but this morning I decided to add some Greek yogurt to add some protein. This is full of calcium, protein, potassium, and vitamin A. This is for babies 6+ months.

Here's what you'll need:
2 oz pureed cooked pumpkin (I use organic canned pumpkin when they're not in season. You can also cut up a pumpkin into small cubes and steam or cook in the microwave. If you steam do it for 10-15 minutes, if you cook it add some filtered water and microwave for 5 or so minutes.)
1 banana mashed
2 tblsp plain 2% or higher Greek yogurt (I use Fage)
Pinch of cinnamon

Mix together, serve and enjoy!

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