Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rainbow Chard and Mashed Banana

I decided to try this as a little snack today to see if it worked before making a whole meal with it (meaning to see if my little guy didn't spit it all up, or gag). I figured the banana would help cut the intense flavor of the chard and also add some extra potassium and vitamin A. Well I figured right because my little guy loved this. He gave it a good stare down before allowing me to put it in his mouth, as it doesn't look so pretty, but he gladly opened his mouth for more on bite 2. Next time I make this I'm going to add oatmeal or quinoa. This combination is full of vitamin A, calcium, and potassium. It is for babies 9+ months.

Here's what you need:
1 organic banana mashed
1 oz organic cooked rainbow chard pureed

Saute chard with olive oil until it wilts, and then puree with filtered water. Fork mash banana and add it to the chard puree. Stir together, serve and enjoy! *If you want to make this more of a meal you can 1 oz cooked ground turkey puree, or 2 tblsp oatmeal, or quinoa puree.*

**Update: I made this today for lunch and added ground turkey to it, and it was a big hit!**

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